Unique Shopping

...Our curated list of favorite stores and specialty artist markets is where you'll find authentic Native American jewelry, unique local arts, crafts, weavings, and everything from books, clothing, food products, hats, cowboy boots, Christmas items, textiles, pottery and folk art from around the world.

the golden eye logo

wind river trading santa fe logo

wind river trading santa fe logo2

montecristi custom hats santa fe logo

liquid light glass studio gallery logo

liquid light glass studio gallery logo2

santa fe artists market logo

santa fe artists market logo2

santa fe society of artists logo

santa fe society of artists logo2

true west santa fe logo

true west santa fe logo2

wearabouts womens clothing santa fe logo

wearabouts womens clothing santa fe logo2

keshi the zuni connection logo

keshi the zuni connection logo2

Bolo Tie - Corraine & Bobby Shack

cutlery of santa fe logo

touchstone gallery logo

touchstone gallery logo2

collected works bookstore logo

collected works bookstore logo2

santa fe dispensary logo

the shop a christmas store logo

sweet santa fe chocolate logo

sweet santa fe chocolate logo2

santa fe school of cooking logo

nothing bundt cakes santa fe logo

nothing bundt cakes santa fe logo2