OPEN see "Hours": Celebrating 100 years! On the Historic Plaza in Santa Fe, visit the state’s newest museum—and its oldest. Learn about New Mexico’s pivotal role in the shaping of the American West through long-term and visiting exhibits such as, Santa Fe Found: Fragments of Time: The archaeological and historic roots of America’s oldest capital city.
April 14th - Oct 11th - 10 a.m Monday thru Saturday: Join a museum-trained guide for Historical Downtown Walking Tours.
Phone: (505) 476-5200
Website: http://www.nmhistorymuseum.org
Address: 113 Lincoln Avenue, Santa Fe, NM 87501 MAP
OPEN Tues - Sun: 10am - 5pm
As of May 1 - Oct 29: Open Daily 10am - 5pm, Fridays open till 7pm.
Admiss:$12. $7 for NM residents. Kids free 16 and under.

Donald Woodman, El Santuario de Chimayo ca 1980: Palace of Gov Photo Archives

Palace of the Governor's Portal
A 96,000-square-foot addition to the venerable Palace of the Governors (the nation's oldest continuously occupied government building), the New Mexico History Museum sweeps across five centuries of stories that made the American West -- from early Native inhabitants to Spanish colonists, Santa Fe Trail riders, outlaws, the railroad, artists, scientists, hippies and more.
Vibrant lectures, hands-on workshops and performances complement the museum experience. Films, computer interactives, artifacts, photos, maps, paintings and more tell the New Mexico story and provide a jumping-off point for your New Mexico adventures.
Closed Thanksgiving Day, Xmas Day, New Year's Day.