OPEN: One of four museums in the Museum of New Mexico system, the MIAC is a premier repository of Native art and material culture and tells the stories of the people of the Southwest from pre-history through contemporary art. More than 65,000 visitors come to the Museum of Indian Arts & Culture each year. Come visit out our exciting current exhibits.
Phone: (505) 476-1269
Website: http://www.indianartsandculture.org/
Address: 710 Camino Lejo, Santa Fe, NM 87505 MAP
Open Tues - Sun: 10am - 5pm
Closed Mondays starting Oct 29- May.
Special Extended Holiday Hrs 2021: Open Mondays, December 20, December 27, January 3, 10 am – 5 pm
Closed: Thanksgiving Day, Xmas Day, New Year's Day & Major Holidays.

Apache Warrior, bronze by Allan Houser, 1982.
Our state-of-the-art-exhibits continue to excite and inspire people to learn more about Native cultures and the anthropology and archaeology of the Greater Southwest. Our extraordinay collections include: Southwestern textiles, pottery, baskets, jewelry, a contemporary art collection including sculpture and works on paper and canvas, Dorothy Dunn’s personal collection of paintings made by her students at the formative fine arts Studio of the Santa Fe Indian School and extraordinary archaeological artifacts including a 151-foot-long hunting net made of human hair created circa AD 1200 in southern New Mexico and a ceremonial bead cache from Chaco Canyon.
Free admission for children under 16 and Museum Foundation Members. NMResidents: $6, Non Residents: $9. Unlimited access 4 day pass to all 4 museums: $18 residents, $20 non residents.