Only a forty five minute scenic drive to Los Alamos, New Mexico - Home of the Manhattan Project. Visit the Los Alamos History Museum and discover 1.4 million years of history, from the explosion of the Valles Caldera to the detonation of the world's first atomic bombs.
Phone: (505) 662-6272
Website: http://losalamoshistory.org/
Address: 1050 Bathtub Row, Los Alamos, NM 87544 MAP
Check website for hours updates.
Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm
Sat & Sun:10am-4pm Year-round but check their web link before going, there may be changes to the hours.

JRobert Oppenheimer

Photo: Don Taylor

Enter the actual gate of the project's Santa Fe headquarters when Los Alamos was known as the Manhattan Project. Walk through "Life in the Secret City."
Join us for our 1.5 hour Docent Guided Walking Tours, Mon, Fri, Sat at 11 am. Click link for more details.
Housed in the Guest Cottage of the Los Alamos Ranch School, a favorite place of General Leslie Groves during the Manhattan Project, the museum features award-winning exhibits on: Area Geology- How and why the Jemez Volcano erupted 1.4 million years ago. Anthropology - 700 years of human habitation: Grind corn as the Indians have done for centuries and experience the pristine wilderness where elk and turkeys roamed.
Learn about early settlers and dryland farming on the Pajarito Plateau. During select days in the summer, visit the homestead-era Romero Cabin, next to the Historical Museum. Visit The Museum Shop for a wide variety of unique souvenirs, gifts and one of the widest selections anywhere of books about the Manhattan Project, WWII, and Los Alamos History, plus Southwestern literature, outdoor guides, and local cook books.