Here are a few hiking trails and walks close to town. If you brought your best quadruped friend with you, you might want to let them off leash to do some exploring of their own at the Frank S. Ortiz park, a.k.a "The Dog Park." Of course, there are many beautiful on leash spots at our State Parks to let them sniff Santa Fe, while you take in the amazing vistas. But here are a couple lesser-known ones complete with amazing vistas to get you started. PLEASE CLEAN UP AFTER YOUR DOG! THANKS! Have a great walkies...
Frank S. Ortiz "The Dog Park". Not securely fenced enough for off leash unless your dog is well voice trained. Camino de las Crucitas. Take St. Francis to the Paseo de Peralta light where Bank of America is on the NE corner. Turn left onto Camino de las Crucitas and follow the road straight, through the residential area, around the round-a-bout, up the hill and on your left is the small parking lot, but don't park there, go a few hundred yards further and turn left onto the large dirt road and you'll see another car park. Enjoy exploring a few miles of easy to hike wilderness with amazing views.
At the entrance to the Santa Fe Animal Shelter campus there are securely fenced dog parks open to the public. The largest community park offers almost 3/4 mile of off leash room to roam for social canines. Samantha’s Park of Small Dogs is situated across the entrance drive from the larger Park, for dogs under 30 pounds that prefer not to mix with larger breeds. Three other large dog parks are reserved for single use. These three parks are great for dogs who need exercise but lack necessary social skills to mingle with others. From Santa Fe take 599 to Exit 6 (Sth Meadows), then take the Frontage Rd to Caja Del Rio. At about 1 mile on the right, you'll see the signs for the Animal Shelter and Dog Parks.
This is an on-leash spot, but rarely visited. Eighty six acres of juniper and pinon with views of Sandia, the Jemez, and on a clear day, Mount Taylor. Take Old Pecos Trail all the way past the I25 entrance, to the T junction (Old Agua Fria Rd, E). Turn left and within half a mile or so, on the right, you'll see a discreet sign and open green gate. Park and hike. It has some steep options, and some lower impact.
This trail is a lovely place to walk the woofer. There are views of Santa Fe, and the Jemez. Keep your dog on leash until you get out of the car park and well onto the trail though. Trails run behind the St. John's College campus and split left for Atalaya Trail and right toward the water tower where there are nice looping trails with many variations around the hills, or in the arroyo. Whichever way you follow, you'll have a very nice hike. To get there from the Plaza area, take Old Pecos Trail out of town, turn left on Old Santa Fe Trail, at the 2nd stop sign turn left onto Camino Monte del Sol, then right at Camino Cruz Blanca, then right again at Camino Cabra, and you'll see the entrance and signs for St. John's Visitor Parking, which is at the trail head.
Along The Old Santa Fe Trail, Sun Mountain Trail is a beautiful hike up one of our favorite mountains. Bring water and a camera. A 45 minute trek offers terrific views all the way up to one of the most beautiful view points within a 5 minute drive from the Plaza and most hotels. The easiest route is to take Old Pecos Trail to Zia East all the way to Old Santa Fe Trail. Turn left and a few hundred feet up on the right is the trail head. Roadside parking is available.