WHEN: April 24 - 26, 2025. Check web link for more info.
WHERE: Albuquerque - Tingley Coliseum Fair Grounds. Since 1983, during the last weekend in April, The Gathering of Nations has been North America's biggest Pow Wow! A spectacular event for everyone.
Phone: (505) 836-2810
Website: http://www.gatheringofnations.com/
Address: Check website link for updated info. MAP
Click link above for schedule of events.
For location and all other info go to website link above.

More than 800 artists, crafters, and traders will place their wares on display and for sale. The Indian Traders Market offers a very special shopping experience. Held the last weekend of April.
A spectacular experience for all people (Indian and Non-Indian) to come see the colorful PowWow dancing and to hear the songs! Over 3,000 indigenous/Native American/Indian dancers and Singers representing more than 500 tribes from Canada and the United States come to The Gathering of Nations PowWow annually to participate socially and competitively.